Sunday, November 29, 2009

Asanas for Thyroid:

sah-LOM-bah sar-van-GAHS-anna
salamba supported sarvanga whole
Sarvangasana is sometimes called Salamba Sarvangasana. This may be more accurate since you are actually supporting (salamba) the inversion with your arms and shoulders. The savanga or whole aspect is accurate because the asana works your entire body. While it is generally considered a seventh chakra pose as you are nourishing your brain with an increase in blood flow, you are also helping activate the fifth chakra, which is your throat or Visuddha charka. For people who have not done a lot of inversions, it may seem a little funny that you are turning yourself upside down. This flipping of your physical body can have a dramatic impact on your outlook on life or any specific problem you are facing. You can literally re-calibrate your mind and when you rise start with a fresh perspective. It is not uncommon for many yogis to remain in inversions for long periods of time (as much as an hour), although we do not recommend that for your vinyasa practice.

Preparation and Pose Tips
Let us state in bold words Never turn your head once you are in this pose because you can injure your neck!
To begin, tuck your shirt in (unless you do not mind having it flop down).
If you work with a partner, first place a blanket with the folded edge towards your head; shoulders right up against the folded edge. Now strap the arms behind you, just above the elbows. Keep your hands down by your side with the buckle on the outside of the arms. Lie back down, with shoulders resting on the blanket, head resting on the mat, bend your knees and draw your heels towards the buttocks, your arms resting on the side. Draw your shoulder blades toward the spine and down (a shoulder roll). Bend your knees. Engage the abdominals and draw your knees towards your chest. Exhale and place your hands on your lower back. Your fingers point towards the ceiling. Now straighten your legs and point your toes upward. You can feel the sense of an upside-down Tadasana in this pose. Come out, and down into plow pose.
We will also describe coming into the Shoulder Stand from Halasana or Plow Pose. In fact, a nice sequence is Plow, into Should Stand then back into Karnapidasana or Spider, back into Shoulder Stand and then down. From Halasana (Plow) move your arms and hands up from the floor toward your back (photo Sarvangasana prep 1). You are still resting mostly on your shoulders and upper arms (your neck is off the ground). Check and make sure your should blades are flat on the floor. If you pull your hands down a little towards your shouldblades the pose will generally be straighter. Pull your elbows gently in towards each other; and lay your hands flat on your lower back, like two books. This is your support. (photo Sarvangasana prep 2). Now raise your feet up above your head. Your eyes look up toward your toes. (photo Sarvangasana final). You can move back into Halasana or come out of the pose on an exhale, slowly brining your legs to the ground.

As was mentioned, the chin lock stimulates your throat chakra which helps your thyroid gland produce thyroxin. This pose also reverses the pull of gravity down on your internal organs as it removes congestion in your liver and spleen. It can be good as a prevention for varicose veins. The blood flow nourishes your heart, lungs and brain, which can assist with headaches.

Advanced or Partner
There are a few little tips that you can incorporate. Instead of having your toes point straight up, try pulling them down to be parallel with your head. This increases the stretch for your feet. From the feet-straight-up position you can try either:
A. moving your legs apart and holding
B. placing the soles of your feet together for an inverted Baddhakonasana
C. lowering one leg to the ground behind your head, holding; then moving it back up as your other leg goes down
When you come out of the pose try holding your feet a few inches above the ground for several breaths. This really works your abdomen muscles.
If you are feeling sluggish you can use Sarvangasana for a little energy boost. Obviously the blood moving to your brain helps. Try this: If you have practiced pranayama or breathing work get into the full pose. Now, after an exhale, keep the breath out, locking in your uddiyana bandha, or belly-button. Hold the exhale just until it becomes slightly uncomfortable. Breath naturally and then repeat. Holding the air out during this inversion will increase your natural flow of energy or prana throughout your body.

Sarvangasana is a seventh chakra pose.

High blood pressure, neck issues, pregnancy. We suggest you don�t this pose initially without some initial guidance from a qualified instructor.

Hold for as long as the pose is comfortable, usually ten breaths.

Recovery and Counterpose
A good counterpose is Matsyasana, or Fish.


1.Lie down straight on the abdomen with forehead resting on the floor.
2.Keep your feet together and arms extended forward with palms on the floor. While inhaling, raise your arms, head, neck, shoulders, trunk and legs simultaneously as high as possible.

3.Keep your elbows and knees straight. Balance the entire weight of your body on the navel. Maintain this posture as long as possible.
4.While exhaling, bring down your legs, hands and forehead to the ground. Then relax in Makarasana.
Benefits & Precautions:
Naukasana improves the functioning of the lungs, is useful in treating disturbed navel and relieves body stiffness and back pain. It also reduces excess fat from the abdomen. It improves digestion and relieves constipation. Hernia and Ulcer patients should not do this asana.

Raised Foot Posture and gas trouble
Uttanpadasana is also called Raised foot pose, Raised feet Pose, or Uttana Pada Asana. This is a classical asana (Yoga pose), which you do lying on your back. The benefits are immense, but it also has certain contraindications for certain people. Still, the benefits far outweigh the contraindications. Just remember to concentrate on your breathing and synchronize your movements while doing the pose.
 Start the pose lying flat on your back. Keep both your feet and knees together and breathe normally.
 With an exhalation, arch your back by raising your chin and tilting head your head backwards, till you are resting on the crown of your head. Feel free to use your hands and raise your head to take it back, if need be. Lay your arms by your sides and continue breathing normally.
 Stretch your back and, with another deep exhalation, raise both your legs simultaneously to a 45 or 50 degree angle from your mat.
 Now raise your arms and hold them above your torso and parallel to the floor. See that both your arms and your legs are straight, not bent at the knees or elbows. Continue to breathe normally.
 Your body will now be resting only on your buttocks and on the crown of your head.
 To exit the pose, with a deep exhalation, lower both your arms and your legs to the floor. Lower your back, straighten out and relax.
 This asana (pose) is very beneficial for those suffering from diabetes, constipation, indigestion and nervous weakness.
 It exercises all the muscles in the abdominal region, both internal and externally, thus getting rid of a lot of disorders.
 It corrects the pancreatic malfunction.
 Strengthens the spinal cord and corrects disorders of the back.
 Takes away the extra weight of abdominal areas and has significant healing and corrective effects on problems afflicting the waist or belly area, and the buttocks, as well as the hip-joints.
 Those suffering from muscle pull and lumbar sodalities had best avoid.
 Those with High Blood Pressure and lower back aches should practice carefully. Initially, use your hands to raise your legs, but see that while raising your legs you don’t bend your knees.
 Those nursing a spinal injury should do this asana (pose) raising just one leg at a time. This is because, when you raise both your legs upwards, you will be putting undue strain on your spine.

Suggested Pranayams for Thyroid:
Jalandhara Bandha

Basic Yoga asanas for stomach include:
1. Surya Namaskar – sun Salutation
2. Pawanmuktasana – Wind relieving pose
3. Bhujangasana – Cobra pose
4. Dhanurasana – Bow pose
5. Paschimottanasana – Seated head to knees pose
6. Uddiyana Bandha – The Abdominal Lift
7. Dandayamana-Dhanurasana – Standing Bow Pulling Pose
8. Uttanasana – Forward Bend or Extension
9. Sarvangasana
10. Sarvangasana – Shoulderstand